Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Skyrim Hearthfire DLC Available for PS3 Today


I’m back from my hiatus and on a great day, too!  For one, the Skyrim Hearthfire DLC is now available for download on the PS3 (2/19).  I truthfully don’t know much about the expansion, but being able to build your own home with customizable features does sound pretty awesome.

And secondly, tomorrow is the big Sony event!  Because I’m stuck all the way in the Hawaii timezone, I’m going to miss it while at work, but rest assured I’ll have something to say about it once I catch up on the events of the day!

Have an awesome week, folks!  I’ll be back doing regular updates and original content this week.

1 comment:

  1. It's an alright add-on. It's essentially 'The Sims' for Skyrim. You get property, build a home (which can be costly and time consuming), and build a family (if you choose).

    It's pretty basic, but good to keep all your collected stuff in one place (if you're a hoarder like me =P)
